SOFT-T tourniquet

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Guide to Using the Soft T Tourniquet

Explore the Soft T tourniquet, a life-saving device designed for hemorrhage control, featuring unique design elements distinct from the CAT Tourniquet for effective emergency use.

Understanding the Soft T Tourniquet

The Soft T tourniquet offers a robust solution for controlling severe bleeding, with specific design features that differentiate it from other tourniquet models.

Key Design Features

  • Securing Mechanism: Utilizes a metal clip and peg system for locking, requiring careful manipulation for secure application.
  • Self-Application: While more challenging than the CAT Tourniquet, self-application is possible with practice.

Application Process

Similar to other tourniquets, the Soft T is placed above an injury site, tightened, and secured using its winding mechanism. Proper placement and tension are crucial for effective bleeding control.

Applying the Soft T Tourniquet

Slide the tourniquet over the limb, position it above the joint, tighten, and then secure the toggle. Ensuring it is tight enough is critical for stopping the bleed.

Time Marking and Removal

  • Time Documentation: Note the application time on the tag provided with the tourniquet to inform medical professionals.
  • Removal: Tourniquet removal is exclusively performed by medical personnel in a hospital setting.

Post-Application Checks and Resetting

After application, verify the cessation of bleeding and check for a pulse. If bleeding continues, consider additional interventions. Practice and reset the tourniquet properly for future readiness.


The Soft T tourniquet is an essential component of emergency medical kits, demanding familiarity and practice for effective use. Its distinctive design supports reliable bleeding control in critical situations.

Learning Outcomes:
  • IPOSi Unit three LO3.1, 3.2, 3.3 & 3.4